The workers shove three small crates of supplies onto the chopper, and you're off. You get a chance during the flight to check the crates. One is filled with various medical supplies, and another contains a day's worth of field rations for four people. The last contains extra e-clips and a matching set of four walkie-talkies. The flight from Merc Town to Outlaw Field takes less than an hour, and although you spot a pair of winged draconic creatures during your flight, they ignore you and don't even change their course to investigate.
For imagery only... much has changed since this pre-cataclysm photo was taken... see text. |
Your landing is smooth, and Valen begins powering down the chinook. As the chopper blades slow and the noise of the machine subsides, you find yourself in the open field to the east of the main buildings. The grass is about waist high here, but closer to the buildings it has been cleared or trampled to a much more manageable height. One of the smaller hangars has been completely demolished, but the rest are standing, even if they are in serious disrepair. The main building to the south is overgrown, surrounded by trees and covered in moss.
The remains of what looks to have been a camp are strewn about in the elbow of the "L" of the hangars, and there are a few vehicles parked nearby.
All is silent except for the grass rustling in the breeze.
What do you do?
OOC Notes: Unless Eric responds, I'm going to assume that Valen stays back to guard the chopper. Also, if you want to back up and interact with the draconic creatures, that's fine as well... just let me know.