This page is for any discussion that doesn't affect the game itself. Any out-of-character (or game mechanic) discussion that relates to the story will still go in the comments of the game itself. However, things that don't affect or relate to the game should go here. This just gives us a place to discuss things that aren't Rifts-related (if they come up).


  1. Josh,

    I just wanted you to know I'm really enjoying this game. Besides distance and time lag I love to see we are all in the same game tone. Pace and game rhythm is also very good, and I'm always excited to know what will happen in the next scene. Good job! :D

  2. Yeah... what he said. LOL Seriously, this is turning out to be more fun than I thought it would be. Lag sucks, but it builds anticipation.

  3. And the goofy letters I gotta type in every time are annoying. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so hard to distinguish at times. But I know it's a necessary evil. Keeps the robots out. It's like a fence. For Robots. It's a robot fence. So we can say stuff like SKYNET IS PATHETIC AND ALL YOU TERMINATORS CAN KISS MY @$$!

    1. LOL

      Sorry about that... I've played in several play-by-email games and it was always pretty common practice to distinguish IC and OOC discussion.

      I do think this page will help, though.

  4. Josh, I want to attack the darkness with a magic missile. Lol

    1. LOL... Quim did you catch this reference?


  5. Thanks, guys...

    I'm not crazy about the time lag either, but you're right about the suspense it builds.

    I'm glad you're enjoying the pace and rhythm. I hope that I'm able to maintain it. The last week has been really easy at work, as my responsibilities are winding down and I prepare for my replacement. Next week I'll be starting in a different school, and I have no idea how busy I'll be after the switch.

  6. I have found this for rolling dices: http://www.pbegames.com/roller/

    I know we are all adult, and I personally abhorrent cheating. But I also like to roll dices with total transparency.

    What do you think?

    1. Sounds good to me. A long time ago, I used a dice roller on the Irony Games website, but they appear to have gone under. Such a shame...

      Anyway, I really liked being able to do it within the text itself on Google Wave. I wish I knew of a way to do that on here.

      If/When I can figure out how to do dice rolling as part of the comments/posts themselves, we'll switch to it. Until then, let's go with your suggestion, Quim. I'll update the "Game Rules" page accordingly.

  7. Hey Matt,

    You should check this out... I know you like minotaurs... http://equip-r.blogspot.com/2012/03/minotaur-biker.html

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I finally wrapped things up for spring break, so I've got some time to write. I just posted the next update. You're getting close to gaining some perspective on what's really going on in here.

    Despite the slow posting sometimes, I hope everyone's finding this enjoyable. :-)

  10. Don't worry Josh! This is going damn good! :)

  11. Thanks Quim. Glad you're enjoying it.

    By the way, Matt's in Haiti and I seriously doubt he's got internet connection, so we probably won't hear from him until next week. Another delay, but he's doing missionary work, so it's for a good cause.

  12. No prob. As the saying from here goes: "Good things made themselves wait for it". ;D
