The man visibly relaxes when you agree to follow him. He even slings his rifle over his shoulder and begins talking candidly. "The test? I can't tell you about it yet, but I passed it. Dukav will tell you more about it. He's our leader now. We're safe down here as long as we're with him."
The narrow path through the cavern slopes down and turns to the right. As you begin turning, you see that the light here is not from a generator as it was above. Rather, the stone itself is glowing with a faint yellow light... not all of the stone, perhaps a specific vein of some otherworldly ore that somehow ended up on Earth. You continue walking, and wonder if you've walked far enough in a downward spiral that you're actually under the entry chamber with the pile of dead bodies. Occasionally, there is a branch in the path and another passage leads off to the side, but these are not lit as brightly as the main passage and the man never strays.
Finally, you come to an old wooden door that is just slightly cracked open. You hear faint laughter on the other side. "This is it!" the man says. "Everyone else is in here." He is grinning widely, like a kid about to introduce his parents to his best friends at school. "Ready?" He begins reaching for the door without waiting for a response.
"Just a moment," Myra says, interrupting him before he grasps the handle. "I would very much like to speak to my friends for a moment first." She smiles at him as she asks, "That okay with you?"
"Oh, sure! Didn't mean to rush you," he smiles back at her, but you can see a bit of disappointment on his face as he responds.
Stepping back away from the door and your guide, Myra whispers, "Something is not right here. I can feel the evil, and it is strong. I'm pretty sure this guy is okay, but... I don't know... this is different. I've never felt it in this way before. It isn't like any deevil or entity I've ever sensed. It's just... different somehow. I don't know how else to explain it."
OOC: Frederick senses only pride and happiness in the man escorting the group through the cave, and his sixth sense isn't triggering.
The narrow path through the cavern slopes down and turns to the right. As you begin turning, you see that the light here is not from a generator as it was above. Rather, the stone itself is glowing with a faint yellow light... not all of the stone, perhaps a specific vein of some otherworldly ore that somehow ended up on Earth. You continue walking, and wonder if you've walked far enough in a downward spiral that you're actually under the entry chamber with the pile of dead bodies. Occasionally, there is a branch in the path and another passage leads off to the side, but these are not lit as brightly as the main passage and the man never strays.

"Just a moment," Myra says, interrupting him before he grasps the handle. "I would very much like to speak to my friends for a moment first." She smiles at him as she asks, "That okay with you?"
"Oh, sure! Didn't mean to rush you," he smiles back at her, but you can see a bit of disappointment on his face as he responds.
Stepping back away from the door and your guide, Myra whispers, "Something is not right here. I can feel the evil, and it is strong. I'm pretty sure this guy is okay, but... I don't know... this is different. I've never felt it in this way before. It isn't like any deevil or entity I've ever sensed. It's just... different somehow. I don't know how else to explain it."
OOC: Frederick senses only pride and happiness in the man escorting the group through the cave, and his sixth sense isn't triggering.