OOC: This is where we last left off, guys. If you want a much more in-depth review of the game, check out the pdf files on the Beginnings page. Character sheets are on the Character Sheets page (obviously), and I finally got the links from Google Docs to work. I wanted to repost this as a way to get us back in the swing of things. Welcome back, everybody!
"Until last week, we were running a mining expedition in a place known as Outlaw Field. Not ore, mind you… but it was a veritable gold mine of pre-rifts artifacts. According to my research, it was spared much of the devastation of the rifts and was used as a base of operations by Fort Campbell survivors for some time before they were overrun.
We had a team onsite excavating the ruins for about a month. From the beginning, there were reports of ghosts, but I investigated the site myself and could find no evidence to support the claims. Nevertheless, the reports continued and we increased security as much as we could within our profit margins. Twelve days ago, one of the workers went missing. Another disappeared the next day, and another the next. One week ago, we decided to abandon the site until we could further assess the dangers. However, none of the workers or guards made it back to Merctown. That’s why we hired you.
None of our current employees are willing to go to the site, so we brought you in. You’ll be traveling with a psychic investigator named Myra. Perhaps she will be more successful in finding evidence of these ghosts that supposedly haunt the place. Your team will have three objectives:
- Investigate the ghost claims. See if you can find any evidence of supernatural activity. Putting an end to it would be very beneficial to Madcap Enterprises, but the primary objective is information gathering.
- Track down the missing workers and evacuate them safely if they are still alive.
- Salvage as much of our investment as possible. Once you’ve found as many survivors as you can, fill as much as you can of the remaining space in the transport with equipment and gear from the operation.
You’ll have access to a Chinook for the mission, and we’ll do our best to supply you with any other equipment you may need. Just ask and we’ll see what we can do. Any questions?"