OOC: I intend to do more commenting than actual posting, but I don't think there's a way to include images in a comment.
"Ammo and meds? Done and done," Prestin says. "We'll save mortuary equipment for a future operation. Let's focus on survivors first."
"Feel free to take a look at these maps. They're old aerial views of the compound, but they're still useful. The buildings are in the same places even if they aren't in the same condition. Just after the cataclysm, Fort Campbell was overrun by creatures from the rifts. However, many survivors from Fort Campbell fled to this airport and were able to survive there for a time. Although much of what was at Fort Campbell has been either destroyed or looted over the years, Outlaw Field was left relatively untouched. We've been bringing in parts from pre-rifts airplanes and vehicles, both military and civilian, to sell to Golden Age Weaponsmiths. The profits were great at first, but we've obviously run into trouble."
"The reports were all transmissions between our communications team here and the excavation team at Outlaw Field. Paper records may have been kept on site, but we have none for you to actually read. I can tell you what was reported to me, though, and it's pretty standard fare: objects moving on their own, whispers that sound human but the actual words can't be discerned, footsteps nobody can account for, and the occasional shadowy figure that disappears when you try to chase it. I investigated these claims myself and couldn't find any evidence of the supernatural, but I can't just dismiss it if my whole team has gone missing."
"Ammo and meds? Done and done," Prestin says. "We'll save mortuary equipment for a future operation. Let's focus on survivors first."
"Feel free to take a look at these maps. They're old aerial views of the compound, but they're still useful. The buildings are in the same places even if they aren't in the same condition. Just after the cataclysm, Fort Campbell was overrun by creatures from the rifts. However, many survivors from Fort Campbell fled to this airport and were able to survive there for a time. Although much of what was at Fort Campbell has been either destroyed or looted over the years, Outlaw Field was left relatively untouched. We've been bringing in parts from pre-rifts airplanes and vehicles, both military and civilian, to sell to Golden Age Weaponsmiths. The profits were great at first, but we've obviously run into trouble."
"The reports were all transmissions between our communications team here and the excavation team at Outlaw Field. Paper records may have been kept on site, but we have none for you to actually read. I can tell you what was reported to me, though, and it's pretty standard fare: objects moving on their own, whispers that sound human but the actual words can't be discerned, footsteps nobody can account for, and the occasional shadowy figure that disappears when you try to chase it. I investigated these claims myself and couldn't find any evidence of the supernatural, but I can't just dismiss it if my whole team has gone missing."
"Excelent! Mr. Mason, maybe you could elaborate an infiltration/retrieving plan using this maps according to your military experience."
ReplyDeleteWell, I was actually in the armored calvary division, so I didn't do a lot of strategical planning. Still, I think I can devise a plan to get the ball rolling. Even an ill-conceived plan is better than no plan at all.
ReplyDeletePrestin, do you have a list compiled of the missing? If not, how about a head count? And when we find incapacitated workers, will there be a way to identify them, such as employee IDs?
In my humble opinion, I would suggest having the Chinook drop us due east of the aircraft hangars on the landing strip, perhaps even farther out than that. This would put the Chinook out in the open to avoid anyone, or anything, sneaking up on it. It will make it more of a target perhaps, but if it drops far enough out it shouldn't matter.
ReplyDeleteFrom there, we start combing the hangars for clues and/or survivors, working our way down. Should we get into any skirmishes, hopefully being in a smaller venue will act as a natural deterrent to prevent us from being overrun. It will also give us a better idea of what we're up against before we find ourselves waist deep in baddies. Once the area is secure, we can move the chopper closer in for equipment extraction.
Sounds a good and cautions plan for me. Once there I offer my Object read powers to get a better impression that what we are facing. Shall we proceed?
ReplyDeleteI also try to fix the maps in my mind for a Total Recall psy-power later use.
"Most of the workers won't have official Madcap Mercenaries identification," Prestin answers, "because over half of those onsite were temps. However, there are six employees who should have IDs: the site supervisor, two techs, and three guards. The site supervisor was in charge of hiring additional help, so any records of who they are will be with him."
ReplyDelete"If you're ready to begin, head to the warehouse. The chinook is waiting outside, and Myra should be nearby as well."
OOC: Total Recall intention noted. Let me know when you're ready to proceed.
Fair enough. We'll commence a head count when we make contact with the site supervisor.
ReplyDeleteI'm ready to move out whenever Fred and Valen are. Let's do this!
Let's go!
ReplyDeleteI gather all my belongings and medical supplies provided to get on the Chinnok.
I make sure formerly mentioned supplies make it the Chinook. I also pick up Valen and set him in the chopper as well. (OCC Where the hell is Eric, anyways?)
ReplyDeletePrestin assures you that he'll have some of his men deliver the e-clips and medical supplies in short order.
ReplyDeleteOOC: Eric appears to be MIA. He did the same thing to us last time, remember?
I'm going to keep his character in the game for now because, unless I missed something, he's the only one who can fly the chopper (with his machine melding stuff). Unless I hear from him, he's just going to be the pilot and the guy who hangs back and protects the ride while the rest of the group is investigating.
Also note that there's a new post as of yesterday morning: http://madcapmercs.blogspot.com/2011/12/meeting-myra.html
-OOC Yeah I saw that. That comment seemed better fitted for this post, though.
ReplyDeleteOOC: Gotcha... I just got worried that you missed an email update when you responded here but didn't mention the chick. LOL