Thursday, December 22, 2011

Meeting Myra

As you approach the chinook, you take note of two people standing nearby, chatting. The man you recognize as Jacob, the repairman who accompanied you into Merc Town earlier. The woman is short and stout, with pale skin, black hair, and black lipstick. She's wearing a set of huntsman armor dyed black as well, but despite her somber appearance, she also wears a wide grin.

Apparently, Jacob just told her the story about the blue-skinned D-bee who was so angry that he hit himself with the door on his way out of Fixer's place. "Hi guys!" Jacob says as you approach. "I just finished looking over this fine machine. All systems checked out just fine. This is Myra, by the way. I hear she's going too?"

"A pleasure," Myra says. She looks each of you over, and it feels as if she's looking right through you, as if she can see your soul itself. It's an awkward feeling, but not uncomfortable... although you can tell that it would be quite uneasy for someone who might be hiding something.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Prestin's Mission Briefing, Part II

OOC: I intend to do more commenting than actual posting, but I don't think there's a way to include images in a comment.

"Ammo and meds? Done and done," Prestin says. "We'll save mortuary equipment for a future operation. Let's focus on survivors first."

"Feel free to take a look at these maps. They're old aerial views of the compound, but they're still useful. The buildings are in the same places even if they aren't in the same condition. Just after the cataclysm, Fort Campbell was overrun by creatures from the rifts. However, many survivors from Fort Campbell fled to this airport and were able to survive there for a time. Although much of what was at Fort Campbell has been either destroyed or looted over the years, Outlaw Field was left relatively untouched. We've been bringing in parts from pre-rifts airplanes and vehicles, both military and civilian, to sell to Golden Age Weaponsmiths. The profits were great at first, but we've obviously run into trouble."

"The reports were all transmissions between our communications team here and the excavation team at Outlaw Field. Paper records may have been kept on site, but we have none for you to actually read. I can tell you what was reported to me, though, and it's pretty standard fare: objects moving on their own, whispers that sound human but the actual words can't be discerned, footsteps nobody can account for, and the occasional shadowy figure that disappears when you try to chase it. I investigated these claims myself and couldn't find any evidence of the supernatural, but I can't just dismiss it if my whole team has gone missing."

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Prestin's Mission Briefing

OOC: This is where we last left off, guys. If you want a much more in-depth review of the game, check out the pdf files on the Beginnings page. Character sheets are on the Character Sheets page (obviously), and I finally got the links from Google Docs to work. I wanted to repost this as a way to get us back in the swing of things. Welcome back, everybody!

"Until last week, we were running a mining expedition in a place known as Outlaw Field. Not ore, mind you… but it was a veritable gold mine of pre-rifts artifacts. According to my research, it was spared much of the devastation of the rifts and was used as a base of operations by Fort Campbell survivors for some time before they were overrun.

We had a team onsite excavating the ruins for about a month. From the beginning, there were reports of ghosts, but I investigated the site myself and could find no evidence to support the claims. Nevertheless, the reports continued and we increased security as much as we could within our profit margins. Twelve days ago, one of the workers went missing. Another disappeared the next day, and another the next. One week ago, we decided to abandon the site until we could further assess the dangers. However, none of the workers or guards made it back to Merctown. That’s why we hired you.

None of our current employees are willing to go to the site, so we brought you in. You’ll be traveling with a psychic investigator named Myra. Perhaps she will be more successful in finding evidence of these ghosts that supposedly haunt the place. Your team will have three objectives:

  1. Investigate the ghost claims. See if you can find any evidence of supernatural activity. Putting an end to it would be very beneficial to Madcap Enterprises, but the primary objective is information gathering.
  2. Track down the missing workers and evacuate them safely if they are still alive.
  3. Salvage as much of our investment as possible. Once you’ve found as many survivors as you can, fill as much as you can of the remaining space in the transport with equipment and gear from the operation.

You’ll have access to a Chinook for the mission, and we’ll do our best to supply you with any other equipment you may need. Just ask and we’ll see what we can do. Any questions?"

More Testing

Trying out a couple of features real quick... making sure that everyone is getting notification emails whenever things are posted. I'm adding this post, and then I'm going to comment on it. If this works, everyone should get a notification email for both the post and the comment. Let me know if you do...

I'm using the email addresses that I have for each of you. If you're using different ones now, let me know and I'll make the switch.

Monday, December 12, 2011


This is just a test to see how well this works...

See if you can comment on this post, guys...