Thursday, March 8, 2012

Outlaw Field: Underground, Entry Room

The footsteps get closer and closer. Finally, you hear them just on the other side of the door. Everything on this side is completely silent, as everyone is tense with anticipation.

The door handle moves a bit, as someone on the other side touches it. You hear a faint beep, probably a key card of some sort being swiped, and then a loud click as the door is unlocked.

Moments pass and the door remains closed. Then you hear footsteps again, slower and more deliberate this time, growing fainter as someone on the other side moves away from the now unlocked door.


  1. Myra shakes her head slowly. "I've got a feeling that's what it wants us to do... but I don't know how else we'll get in through here without opening the door. Any bright ideas?"

  2. Knock. Sounds crazy, I know. But wait for him to open the door, and when he opens it, pull him in the room.

  3. Kendrick knocks on the door and waits...

    Rather than the door opening, you hear a voice from the other side call out, "Come on in... we won't shoot this time... you can have your stuff if you will just leave us alone!"


    Not buying the 'nice guy' routine. The only way I'm opening this door is with guns drawn.

    "I have a pile of bodies behind me that suggests that you guys are anything but cordial. Why should I believe you guys aren't going to open fire?"

  5. "The ratman send us to retrieve his stuff" - I activate my Empathy for trusting fellings and gun down I enter the room.
    "I'm a doctor. Is anybody hurt?"
    "Can we help?"

    OCC: Sorry Matt If I take the first step in, I have a feeling it's all a misunderstanding. Hope you don't mind :P.

  6. In the event that they fill you full of holes, I'm going to have my gun at the ready. You can't be too careful. My job, after all, is to make sure this quest is successful. Even if it means coming off as an aggressive nuisance.

    Ooc: Yeah yeah yeah. You and your bleeding heart. lol :-P

  7. Frederick opens the door to find himself staring down the barrel of an L20 pulse rifle. Holding the weapon is a man wearing an incomplete suit of armor: the torso and arms of an urban warrior suit, but with no helmet or gloves, and only the loose work pants of a Madcap Enterprises employee.

    Clearly nervous, you can see him shaking as he takes a step back and switches his aim repeatedly, not sure at which of your group he should be pointing his weapon.

    "Wh... wh... where's the... who are you? Doctor? We don't need a doctor."

    As your initial focus the rifle fades, you begin to notice other things about your surroundings. On this side of the door, you're in a natural cave of some sort. The walls are smooth and a deep brown color, sparkling with moisture. The tunnel turns to the left twenty feet or so behind the man with the rifle, and a light shines from somewhere around the bend.

    The man continues stumbling over his words. "Rat... wh... where's the rat?"

  8. "Please, calm down. The Company send us for evacuation. Who are with you? What are those corpses our there? The rat is upstairs, he won't cause us any concern."

    OCC. Can I feel terror, fear, stress on him or what? (Empathy power activated).

  9. OCC:Josh, I have updated "current ISP" on Fred Char sheet to keep track of spent ISP. I think I don't miss anything, please feel free to correct it should I made any mistake. Thanks.

    1. I'm not going to stress over it... I trust you. Thanks for the update, though.

  10. "Evacuation? We can't leave. We need to stay here. The ones outside are the ones who couldn't survive. None of them could take it. But we're safe here. We passed the test. Outside is full of death. If we can... wait..." He pauses for a moment, as if he just had a revelation. "I should just show you. Will you follow me?"

    Frederick can sense intense fear, but the fear subsides when the man pauses to think and then asks you to follow him. At that point, he actually seems a bit relieved.

    OOC: Sorry for the delay, guys... grad school is kicking my tail right now.

  11. He seems sincere. I say we follow him. I would like to find out what he's talking about. But with my rifle still in hand.

  12. Agreed. What test BTW? Survive to what...Gosh this is going to be a great mystery!
